Also, we’ve teamed up with video marketing gurus, 29 Studios, to help capture the EDGE story in all of its exciting and emotional glory – and we need your help. Our ambitious joint project, the Cutting EDGE, will transform EDGE 11 into a fully immersive video experience. We are looking for raw unedited content, following YOUR EDGE journey! No expensive equipment is needed, just use that smart-phone you already have in your pocket. No editing required. Below is an example of some of the things that we would love you to film, but if you deem it a big moment then we want to see it.
- Finding out about Scottish EDGE
- Deciding to enter
- Registering
- Attending Workshops
- Preparing your application form
- Preparing your video submission
- Submitting
- Communication at every stage
- Feedback from the Assessment days
- Preparation for Semi Finals
- Pitch practice
- Before/after Semi Finals
- Finding out results of Semi Finals
- Pitch practice for Finals
Simply FILM IT, UPLOAD IT and SEND IT to us via email:
29 Studios Founder, Kev O’Neil, gives some handy advice in the video below, explaining how to capture the moment on your phone or camera.
By contributing to EDGE 11 with your own video content you will benefit from the following:
- A lasting video legacy of your EDGE journey, tracking this amazing stage of your business.
- The Best Journey content will win the EDGE 11 Video prize*
- A chance of being included in EDGE 11 promotional content

Easy as that. Grab your phone, start documenting your journey and turn it up to 11 – EDGE 11.
* EDGE 11 Video prize is a 60-second professional video given to the business with the most honest, open and inspiring EDGE journey. You do not need to make it to the Final to win this Prize!
Keep up to date with all the #EDGE11 news on our social media pages:
Twitter – Facebook – Linkedin